
Ny registrering af alle der spiller internationalt.

Har fået denne mail fra EPBF. Der står at alle der skal spille EuroTour eller Europamesterskaber skal registrere sig igen via det link der er i teksten.

As of 01.01.2020 the EPBF did start with the preparations of a new EPBF website and tournament program. During the Euro Tour events in February, the first update was put online and working with the  the new tournament program did start. In the period after the Euro Tour events in Treviso our IT people did work hard to get more and more isues implemented. Not easy of course due to the Covid-19 situation.

The whole new set-up of the website and the tournament program is not ready yet but we are happy that we can make the next step now in the process. This means that the next fase will be now online. We are talkking about the registration and announcement for Euro Tour events and European Championships online.

Because it was / is not possible to use the old registration details we need all athletes to register again. Therefore I want to point that all athletes that want to participate at Euro Tour events and / or European Championships have to register again via the following link: https://www.epbf.com/player/registration/

It doesn’t matter if you were already registered and if you already had a player ID. Everybody have to register again. This is necessary because we naturally want to comply with the privacy rules that are set and we want to make sure that we have a complete and correct database to work with. New is also that each athlete can only register with their own E-Mail address. It is not necessary anymore to use one E-mail address (for example the National federations address) for several athletes. Therefore each athlete need to register themselves and with their own private E-mail address.

After the registration is done succesfull each athlete will receive a so called Opt-in E-mail which means that each athlete need to activate their registration by clicking at the validation link that is send to the E-mail address that was mentioned at the registration. So basically this verification E-mail is meant to verify your E-mail adress. After you did click the verifaction you can log-in at the EPBF website via “my Account” – “Login”.

After the registration is succesfull the system will, if the E-mail address is compatible with the E-mail address in the old system, link the “old” profile automatically. If the E-mail address is different to what it was in the old system it will take a bit more time because the IT people need to check the name etc. in the back-end of the program first.

After the profile is linked to the correct athlete you can find in your profile a few features. Historie of matches, invoices, grafics etc. etc. In  the near future you can then also announce for the Euro Tour events out of your account etc. The account will be then an important basis for future contact and information.

It goes without saying that the new website and system will be developed further and new features will be added during the time. The invoicing, billing and payment system will be also added and used in the future. We are also looking at a way to make pictures made during the event available for you as an athlete. There are quite a few ideas that we want to add in the future but it will be done step by step.

We hope that this E-mail does explain the current step and therefore we want to ask all athletes to take the time to register at the website EPBF.com  “My account” – Registration (see above mentioned link). If you need help or you face problems there will be some kind of help-desk installed were our IT people will available for help via E-mail. Of course it is always possible to contact me if there is a problem.

We all will do our best to help.

With kind regards,


Gre Leenders

President EPBF



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